Sunday, 20 November 2016

Trump Election: Mitt Romney considered for secretary of state


                               Donald Trump with Mitt Romney after their meeting in New Jersey, 19 November

US Vice-President-elect Mike Pence has confirmed that Mitt Romney is being considered for the post of secretary of state, among others.

The statement, in a Fox News interview, comes after President-elect Donald Trump met Mr Romney, a Republican who criticised him during the campaign.

There has been speculation that the post of top diplomat was discussed.

Neither man gave details of their meeting on Saturday. Mr Romney said talks had been "far-reaching".

Mr Romney, who ran an unsuccessful campaign against Barack Obama in 2012, met Mr Trump at the president-elect's golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey.

"It was a warm and a substantive exchange and I know he is under active consideration to be secretary of state (...) along with some other distinguished Americans," Mr Pence told the Fox News Sunday programme.

In March, during the Republican primary race, Mr Romney said Mr Trump had neither "the temperament nor the judgement to be president", accusing him of bullying, misogyny and dishonesty.

"Prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished" if Mr Trump became the nominee, he said.

Mr Trump responded by mocking Mr Romney, calling him a "failed candidate" and a "choke artist".

However, US media have suggested that the role of secretary of state could be up for grabs. In the past, Mr Romney has taken a far more critical line on Russia than that suggested by Mr Trump.

Mr Trump has settled several posts so far, a number of them controversial.

They include:

The nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who was rejected from becoming a federal judge in 1986 because of alleged racist remarks

Lt Gen Michael Flynn, who is to be national security adviser and has drawn concern over his strident views on Islam

Mike Pompeo, a combative congressman who is a fierce critic of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, the driving force behind the right-wing Breitbart News website.

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