Sunday 12 February 2017

'Provide a snake on Valentine's day if you must have sex with me'


The shocking story of Valentine's day

Why is Valentine's day this important to young girls and boys? Why is it the most trended lover's event ever talked about?

Why is it that young people fall cheaply for the Valentine fever? Well the answers to these many questions lie before you. If you ask me I would say young people have misunderstood the meaning, the aim and the value of Valentine's day as created by St. Valentine.

Now young people now tread sex for Valentine's day. They find it pleasurable than doing what it was originally created for.
You hear many unfortunate events taken place on Valentine's day and this is really serious and should be curtailed amongst our teaming Youths.
It is ridiculous that young women ask from their boyfriends, man friends, etc to provide extravagantly for them in exchange of sex.

One ridiculous thing women ask from men on Val day can make you think that they are cheap and wild. But how can a woman ask man to provide her beyond his reach for just sleeping him throughout the night? For God's sake how can a woman tread her precious value for just some items and peanut?

This is really disappointing, disheartening and disgraceful. I so much treasure woman but this is disgusting.
The most laughable side of the story is that a girl ask her boyfriend to provide her a snake pepper soup on Valentine's day if he must have sex with her. What a shocking story! Where is our girls really going?

To be continued...

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