Friday, 31 March 2017

Christian nurse sacked by NHS 'told cancer patient he had better chance of survival if he prayed'


Christian nurse sacked by NHS 'told cancer patient he had better chance of survival if he prayed'
Sarah Kuteh claims she was unfairly dismissed after being fired for gross misconduct following complaints of her religious “fervour”

According to Mirror, a Christian nurse who was dismissed by the NHS after offering to pray for her patients has claimed she was unfairly dismissed.

Sarah Kuteh was dismissed for gross misconduct after people she had treated complained about her religious “fervour”.

One cancer patient facing bowel surgery said the mum-of-three told him he would have a better chance of surviving if he prayed to God.

An employment tribunal heard another patient described her “bizarre” behaviour as being like a Monty Python sketch.

Giving evidence at the tribunal, Mrs Kuteh denied forcing her religion on patients

She said: “I’m serious about my religion but I don’t think I imposed my religion on patients.

“I love nursing, I love what I do and I love talking to patients.

“What I wanted the trust to have done was to give me the opportunity to show a change.”
Christian nurse sacked by NHS 'told cancer patient he had better chance of survival if he prayed'

NHS worker Sarah Collins, who chaired Mrs Kuteh’s first disciplinary hearing at Darent Valley Hospital in Dartford, Kent, disagreed.

In a statement she said: “Despite having been warned against such behaviour on two occasions, she persisted with questioning patients on religious grounds.

“Mrs Kuteh’s assertion that she felt compelled to continue to hold religious discussions with patients concerned me.”

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