Monday, 27 March 2017

Photos of Make-up artist who nearly died after being poisoned by hair dye

Make-up artist nearly DIED after being poisoned by hair dye which seeped into her blood
A woman claims she was left just minutes from death after being poisoned by her hair dye.

Gemma Williams, 24, contracted septicaemia after using a jet black hair dye.

Make-up and beauty artist Gemma first realised she had reacted to the £4.99 dye when she noticed red, puffy skin around her ears.

The dye had seeped into her blood following her bad reaction - which glued her eyes shut and burnt her skin.
Make-up artist nearly DIED after being poisoned by hair dye which seeped into her blood
But just a week later she was told by doctors at Manchester Royal Infirmary that she if she hadn't come back to hospital she would have died due to the poison in her system.

Gemma has vowed never to touch hair dye again - and is urging others to do patch tests before donning the dye.

Gemma, who is naturally mousy brown, said: "I just can't believe it - it's mad. I'm never touching hair dye again."
Make-up artist nearly DIED after being poisoned by hair dye which seeped into her blood
Miss Williams claimed that within 24 hours she had bubbly skin, red marks, burns around her ears and her eyes were almost glued shut.

She went to Manchester Royal Infirmary and was given steroids and antibiotics to treat the inflammation and rashes after initially putting the hair dye on January 20.
Make-up artist nearly DIED after being poisoned by hair dye which seeped into her blood

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