Sunday 26 March 2017

Westminster terrorist Khalid Masood’s teenage daughter headed to school prom in revealing dress


Masood's youngest daughter Teegan resisted her father’s demands to give up her western lifestyle

Family friends said radicalised Muslim covert Masood, who killed four people and wounded more than 50 during an 82-second rampage in Westminster last week, demanded both his daughters become Muslims and don the veil.

Older sister Andi, now 24, converted to Islam six years ago and left her mum Jane Harvey and sister Teegan behind at their home in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, to move in with her dad and his new partner in Luton, Beds.

They later moved to Birmingham where Andi is said to have been persuaded by Masood to cover herself in a burqa.

She is also reported to have changed her name to an Arabic one.

But younger daughter Teegan resisted her father’s demands to give up her western lifestyle.

The teenage beauty posed for the camera in a revealing backless dress at a prom night in May last year for leavers at Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School.

She had earlier come under pressure from her father to convert to Islam after she turned 16.

Teenager Teegan with her mum Jane Harvey
Her successful businesswoman mother Jane, managing director of a chemicals company, fought desperately to prevent her younger daughter from joining her father.

Luke Lawrence, 23, close friends with Andi at school when she lived in Northiam, East Sussex, with both her parents and sister, said : “Jane was totally against the idea and wanted Teegan to remain with her.

“But Andi was older and could be very headstrong, so she just went off and did it anyway.”

Luke said Andi was popular and attractive and he couldn’t understand why she had gone to live with her “nutter” dad.

The radicalised Muslim struck terror at the heart of the capital last week
Masood had changed his name from Adrian Elms after converting to Islam while in prison on remand for an alleged knife attack in 2003.

Luke said: “Andi was a lovely girl but when she moved away to become a Muslim she cut off contact with her friends here

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