Saturday 15 April 2017

Kelly Rowland gives very graphic detail of how pregnancy changed her lady part

Kelly Rowland gives very graphic detail of how pregnancy changed her lady part
Kelly Rowland, who is mother to two-year-old Titan, recently authored a book titled "Whoa, Baby!: A Guide for New Moms Who Feel Overwhelmed and Freaked Out (and Wonder What the #*$& Just Happened) ."

Following the launch of her book, the singer has been granting interviews and she has not held back about the changes her body has gone through following the birth of her son. At a time when new mothers share only the glamorous part of child birth, making it seem like the easiest thing to do, Kelly's very honest account of the after effects of childbirth is a refreshing change.

"Your vajayjay does not look the same for a very long time,” she told USA Today and added that "the world’s worst idea" had been her decision to hold up a mirror to her genital after her son's birth.
She gave more details in her book, revealing that she was shocked by the state of her vagina when she first looked at it.

She wrote:
"When I finally caught a glimpse of the orifice that was causing me so much pain and sorrow, I almost screamed out loud. That bloody battlefield was my vagina? Was I going to look like that forever? Would Tim (her husband) ever want to come near that nasty scene again?"

"But, I care about it. We go to get it all done up and trimmed and waxed and this and that and it’s all swollen and crazy and you’re just wondering, what just happened?"

Based on her experience, Kelly left an advice for new moms.

"Put away the selfie stick. Do not look in that region when you've just come home from the hospital, and definitely don't capture the image on your cell phone for posterity. Just leave your vagina alone!"

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